This overview covers:

Connecting to a Chado Database

The following java flags are used when running Artemis when connecting to a database. These options currently are all needed.
  1. -Dchado
    this is used to get Artemis to look for the database. The address of the database (hostname, port and name) can be conveniently included as follows:
    these details are then the default database address in the popup login window. A list of available databases can be provided in the Artemis options file these are presented in a drop down list in the login window.

  2. -Djdbc.drivers=org.postgresql
    this is used to define the JDBC postgres driver .
  3. -Dibatis
    use the iBATIS Data Mapper

So the command line will look something like this example:
 ./art -Dchado="localhost:2996/test?tjc" -Dibatis \
For a read only connection -Dread_only is specified on the command line:
 ./art -Dchado="myhost:5432/dbname?user" -Dibatis \
             -Djdbc.drivers=org.postgresql.Driver -Dread_only
Note that for Mac OSX Artemis/ACT installations there is an app version that provides "out of the box" Chado connectivity. In this case when selecting the Artemis app a Chado login window will be immediately displayed. This version has its own download link on the GitHub pages.

Reading From the Database

On a successful login a database and file manager window will open up. The database manager will display "Database Loading...". The organisms in the database with residues are shown in a expandable tree. Double clicking on the sequence names opens them up in Artemis. Alternatively a gene name or chromosome name came be typed into the text field at the top and the Open button used to launch Artemis.

A sequence can be opened in Artemis from the command line (without going through the database manager). This is done by supplying a command line argument with the organism and chromosome (or source feature):

and optionally a range can be included to just display features within it:
this could be used in combination with the -Doffset=base flag (e.g. -Doffset=10000) to open Artemis at a particular section of a sequence

To reduce the number of transactions to the database, all of the sequence is read into Artemis. This includes most of the feature qualifiers. There are some qualifiers (ortho/paralog and similarity qualifiers) that lazily load their data as and when it is needed, i.e. when opened for viewing in the gene builder. This lazy loading improves the performance of reading data from the database for sequences with a large number of features.

iBatis Database Mapping

The iBatis data mapper framework has been used to facilitate the communication with the database from Artemis. It uses XML descriptors to couple the SQL statements with the Java objects that Artemis understands. The XML maps are in 'src/main/resources/artemis_sqlmap' in the Artemis distribution. These are divided up into files based on the Chado table names.

The SQL statements can be seen in the Artemis Log Viewer window:

This is mainly useful for debugging and tracking problems with reading from and writing to the database. Artemis uses log4j to produce logging and the configuration file for this is in the file 'etc/'.

Gene Representation

Below is an illustration of how the feature are stored in Chado in the Sanger PSU.

Gene Model

The names (in red) are the internal database uniquenames. These names are automatically generated by the gene builder from an ID provided by the user. N.B. in our data model UTRs are represented as distinct from exons.

For the scenario where both the CDS and UTRs are not stored and their positions can be inferred from the exon and polypeptide features set chado_infer_CDS_UTR=yes in the Artemis options file. Adjusting the polypeptide boundaries in the Gene Builder will then result in the generation or deletion of UTRs.

Gene Building

A gene can be created in Artemis (or ACT) by highlighting a base range and selecting from the 'Create' menu the 'Gene Model From Base Range' option. This prompts for a unique ID and this corresponds to the names in the above gene model representation. The basic constituent features are created; i.e. gene, transcript, CDS and polypeptide. N.B. Artemis joins the exon features and represents them as a CDS feature. These are shown on the frame lines in the feature display window.

A gene builder for a selected gene feature can be opened from the 'Edit' menu by selecting the 'Selected Feature in Editor' option or simply using the 'E' shortcut key.

The Artemis Gene Builder

There are two distinct parts to the gene builder window. The top part shows the gene hierarchy and structure. The bottom part shows the annotation associated with one of the constituent features. These two parts of the gene builder are described below.

  1. Gene Hierarchy and Structure
    The top left hand side is a tree structure of the gene model. To the right of this is a graphical representation of the features. A feature can be selected from either the tree or the graphical view. The annotation for the selected feature is displayed in the bottom part of the gene builder.

    Structural changes can be carried out in the graphical view. The feature ends can be dragged to adjust their coordinates. On right clicking on this area there is a popup menu for adding and deleting features in the gene model.

    Editing the Gene Model In the Gene Builder

    Additional transcripts can be added from here. The checkbox to the right of the above CDS is used to hide and show the associated CDS in the Artemis feature display. This can make structural edits clearer for multiple transcripts.

  2. Annotation
    There are 4 (Properties, Core, Controlled Vocabulary and Match) sections in the annotation part of the gene builder. These are described below. These can be viewed in a scrollable view or in a tabbed view. There is a check box at the bottom of the gene builder to change between these views.

Gene merging and splitting

To merge gene models, select the CDS segments that are to be merged. Then use the menu option:

Edit->Selected Feature(s)->Merge

The annotation and names from the segment first selected are maintained and the CDS features from the second gene model are added to the first selected gene model. The second gene model is deleted automatically.

To unmerge (split) the gene model into two gene models consecutive segments in the CDS are selected. This is done by clicking on the first segment and then pressing SHIFT and clicking on the second segment. Then use the menu option:

Edit->Selected Feature(s)->Unmerge

On unmerging the annotation and synonyms are maintained in both gene models. The second gene model component features are given a new internal ID (uniquename) based on the original and prefixed with DUP1-.

Transfer Annotation Tool

The Transfer Annotation Tool (TAT) within Artemis can be used to transfer annotation between features within an EMBL file or features within the same Chado database. It is opened by clicking on the "TAT" button in the Feature Editor or, in database mode, the Gene Builder.

Transferring Annotation

The left hand column shows the list of orthologous genes. Features can be added to this by clicking the "Add" button and pasting their systematic ID in. Multiple genes can be added by separating their names with spaces or line returns. The genes to transfer annotation to can be selected or de-selected. The toggle button above the gene list will toggle the selection.

On the right hand side are the qualifiers associated with the feature and any other features in the gene model. The qualifiers to be transferred are selected from this list. The '+' button expands to show the list of values associated with that qualifier from which those to be transferred can be selected.

Qualifiers on different features of the gene model that are selected will be transferred to the equivalent feature type in the genes they will be added to.

The default behavior is for qualifiers to be appended to any existing qualifiers. However if the 'Overwrite' check box is selected at the bottom of the tool then existing qualifiers of the same type will get deleted and it will add in the new qualifiers.

Writing To The Database

When a feature or qualifier is changed, added or deleted the 'Commit' button (on the top tool bar) changes colour to red. Changes in Artemis only get written back to the database when this button is clicked.

Commit Button

There is also an option under the 'File' menu to 'Commit To Database'. Note in ACT there is no commit button and the 'Commit To Database' menu option is used to write back to the database.

If there is an error during the commit then Artemis will provide the option to force commit. This means it will commit what it can. Naturally this can be potentially problematic. Therefore, committing back to the database frequently is encouraged. Any errors are reported in the log viewer.

Community Annotation

Multiple users can launch Artemis and query the database. This has been stress tested and used in the malaria re-annotation exercise with 30+ Artemis clients connecting to the database.

Artemis records the time a features was last modified (timelastmodified). Before changing a feature it will check this time stamp against the database record of the timelastmodified. If the corresponding feature in the database has changed by another user it will ask whether to continue with the commit process.

Writing Out Sequence Files

Artemis can write out EMBL and GFF files from the database. An option is given to optionally flatten the gene model to just a CDS feature. Also an option is given to ignore any obsolete features. For EMBL it uses mappings for conversion of the keys and qualifiers. These mappings are stored in the 'etc/key_mapping' and 'etc/qualifier_mapping' files.

A script (etc/writedb_entry) is also provided as a means of writing out multiple sequences from the database. The script takes the following options:

-h      show help
-f      [y|n] flatten the gene model, default is y
-i      [y|n] ignore obsolete features, default is y
-s      space separated list of sequences to read and write out
-o      [EMBL|GFF] output format, default is EMBL
-a      [y|n] for EMBL submission format change to n, default is y