These notes are intended only as a guide and describes an installation carried out on a MacOSX (10.5.6). For details on Chado installation see
  1. Download and Install Postgres.
    Download postgresql-8.3.5.
    ./configure --prefix=/Users/tjc/gmod/pgsl --with-pgport=2432 --with-includes=/Developer
    make install
    cd /Users/tjc/gmod/pgsl
    bin/initdb -D data/
    Added the line to data/postgresql.conf:
    listen_addresses = 'localhost'
    bin/postmaster -D data &
    bin/createuser --createdb tim
    bin/createlang plpgsql template1
    bin/createdb --port=2432 test
  2. Download and Install Chado. See also the Chado documentation.
    Download stable release (gmod-1.0.tar.gz)
    Install BioPerl (
    Install go-perl
    Install Bundle::GMOD from cpan
    setenv GMOD_ROOT /usr/local/gmod
    setenv CHADO_DB_NAME test
    setenv CHADO_DB_USERNAME tim
    setenv CHADO_DB_PORT 2432
    Chado installation:
    perl Makefile.PL
    sudo make install
    make load_schema
    make prepdb
    make ontologies
  3. Examples of Loading Sequences into the Database.


    You may find the following loading fails and you need to insert 'processed_transcript' as a sequence ontology cvterm. Or change them to 'mature_transcript' in the gff file (e.g. sed s'|processed_transcript|mature_transcript|' NC_001142.gff).

    cat NC_001142.gbk | perl /usr/local/bin/ -noCDS -in stdin -out stdout > NC_001142.gff
    cat NC_001142.gff | perl /usr/local/bin/ -dbname test -organism "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" -dbuser tim -dbport 2432 -dbpass dd -recreate_cache


    Add this to the organism table:

    INSERT INTO organism
      (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name, organism_id) VALUES 
      ('B.bacilliformis', 'Bartonella', 'bacilliformis', 'BB', 8783);
    cat NC_008783.gbk | perl /usr/local/bin/ -noCDS -in stdin -out stdout > NC_008783.gff
    cat NC_008783.gff | perl /usr/local/bin/ -dbname test -organism "BB" -dbuser tim -dbport 2432 -dbpass dd -recreate_cache
    Artemis does not (by default) look for sequences that are loaded as a 'region'. So change the sequence type of NC_001142 from region to a chromosome:
    UPDATE feature SET 
     type_id=(select cvterm_id from cvterm where cv_id=(
             select cv_id from cv where name='sequence') and name='chromosome') 
    WHERE uniquename='NC_008783';
  4. Run Artemis.
    ./art -Dchado="localhost:2432/test?tim" -Dibatis \

    If this is successful then the login window will appear and the database manager will then open:
